As a British-born Indian with a corporate background, I have a depth and breadth
of knowledge and experience of India and its religions which allows me to bring a personal dimension and
realism to the cultural material together with the ability to bridge and articulate it in an accessible,
engaging style. As an Oxford Maths Graduate and Software Designer, I also have a passion for quality and precision when manifesting
concepts in learning and teaching. All of these are recruited as backdrop for creative collaboration from
the mind and heart, in real-time with learners of every age and ability from 4 to 84
year olds! This year my work with children has extended to designing specially-commissioned cross-curricular events aimed
at delivering whole-being growth-steps for all children including those with particular learning challenges.
I am a current member of the Standing Advisory Committees for RE (SACRE) in Dorset and Bucks, involved in producing
the Dorset RE Syllabus, consulting particularly on the Hinduism strand, and engaging in both places in lively
inter-faith discussions. I have been designing and delivering stimulating enrichment programs
(in schools and pre-schools for 10 years. These events have taken me across the country, working across every
type, size and style of school in the age-range from Reception up to Year 8 as well as speaking at Teachers and SACRE
Members Conferences.
I participate in a range of Inter-faith Initiatives
for adults from a Hinduism (Pluralism) perspective to promote mutual respect, engagement and
appreciation whilst having a fantastic amount of fun. More recently, my writing has featured in the critically
acclaimed REToday magazine and I'm proud to be an Expert Contributor for the wonderful RE:Online resource-rich
My repertoire extends beyond the Indian subcontinent to explore Indigenous Heritage
and Wisdom from around the world's continents, e.g. Celts, Aborigines, etc. I use colourful stories and
fascinating facts from the Ancient world to stimulate a fresh appraisal of the issues, values and choices
facing our Modern world.
As Director of the Save Childhood Movement, I am lucky enough to be able to contribute
positively to finding solutions to how these challenges impact our children.