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Exploring Core Knowledge *across* Faiths through Key Questions: Challenges and Rewards!

From Ancient Traditions to Modern Challenges: Learning from Religious Heritage

The Divine Feminine: A Hindu Perspective

Sharing of Faiths: Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) Ancient Wisdom & Contemporary Life.
A Talk with Stories, Bubbles & Balloons.

World of Faiths: Hinduism an Insider's Perspective


Mandir Experience: 'Mandir' literally means 'Still Mind'. Explore the fascinating visuals & philosophy whilst experiencing the deep peace of a Hindu place of worship. Finally take-away the energy, confidence and insight to teach about it!


Teachers' Conference: From Exotica to Empathy to Insight: Understanding and Teaching Primary Hinduism

Teachers' Conference: Environment & Spirituality:Teaching across Faiths - Workshop

Teachers' Conference: From Exotica to Empathy to Insight: Understanding & Teaching Primary Hinduism

Teachers' Conference: 'Sanskrit & Sparkle Lamps' - Hinduism & Literacy, The Creative Approach

Teachers' Conference: Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) - A Way of Being and How to Teach it!

Teachers' Conference: Hinduism - Accessing the Knowledge

Please contact us if you would like to discuss a Speaking Event, Conference or INSET day